So where did we go?? Downtown. 25 minutes away. For 2 nights. But if you would have seen the back of our van once it was packed, you would swear we were driving cross-country for a 2 week expedition.
We stayed at my sister's condo. It was amazing! It's a beautiful 2 bedroom place on the 32nd floor of a new building on Biscayne blvd. with the most amazing view of the Port of Miami, Bayside, the AA arena and the downtown Miami skyline. On the 14th floor there are TWO pools, a beach volleyball court and a putting green. We were able to see the fireworks for Bayfront park, Miami Beach, Fischer Island, Key Biscayne and more. Thanks, TIA!
So let's talk about packing for a family of 7...
I woke up Friday morning and started getting everything ready at 7:00am. We didn't leave the house until about 11:45am and I was non-stop the entire time. After packing for a 1 night stay, it is clear to me why the laundry piles up so quickly at our house!. (oh, yeah. The "trip" was originally going to be for 1 night. But based on the effort to get packed and out of the house, we thought it would be more worthwhile to stay an extra night.)
So here's what I had to get ready / pack for 1 overnight stay:
- outfit to leave
- bathing suit and cover up
- outfit for after pool / 4th of July party
- pajamas
- underwear
- shoes
- outfit for day 2
Take that and multiply it by 7!!! That's 35 outfits. Not to mention that with kids (especially babies) you always need to pack a few extras in case of accidents.
The list above does not include: blankies, burp cloths, diapers, wipes, medicines (just in case), toiletries, towels, travel crib, pump, bottles, formula, water to mix formula, snacks. You get the picture. It's almost enough to make me never want to go anywhere again. LOL But I must say, all in all, the vacation was a success. Everyone enjoyed the change in scenery and the fabulous view.
About 15 minutes after we got home, Sofia took a bottle of Elmer's glue and completely emptied it on our dining room table. Ahhh... reality!

Mary -- And you say WE are cool for going on a trip? You have one more person than we do AND you guys ALL went swimming? Seriously, that's awesome! And, so cool that you got to see so many fireworks!!!
Oh and our twins are a day apart! Ours will be 2 months tomorrow! Anyway, hope you're recovered by now! Steph
stevie had some sick vert on that picture.
Oh, how fun a trip can be with so many little ones. :) We seem to have similar "issues" with our brood of seven children. It's quite funny in fact, I talked about our weekend camping trip just this weekend. You can see it here, if you so wish.
I love how you keep laughing and enjoying your children, it is such a nice thing to see!
Loved the pics. I had no idea you guys had gone.
Where are the pics of Sophi in her "GLUE" Pool????? LOL
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