So I went back to "work" on July 29th. I think we are sort of settling into the new routine, which I must say is a bit hectic.
The routine at night for getting ready for the next day is LONG. By the time I know it it's close to midnight (I think the earliest I got to bed last week was 11pm). Then at 5:15am it's time to get up so I can pump. (somewhere in between there Steve and I are waking up to feed the babies; some nights they do sleep through, though). After I pump first thing, then it's time to feed the babies, change diapers, and dress them. Then get myself dressed & ready. Get the other kids dressed. Get breakfast for the other kids. Pack all the stuff for daycare (the bottles and any other supplies). Wash and pack my pump equipment. Drop off the "big kids". Get to the daycare around 7:30. Go to work. Pump twice at work. Since I "ONLY" work 30 hours, I leave around 2. When I get to the daycare to pick them up it's about the time for the babies to eat so I stay there to give one of them their bottle. When done, go to Sofia's classroom to pick her up. Leave the daycare with Sofia and the twins. Get home and wash bottles. (Refer to picture above.) Put away pumped milk and wash pump. Meantime the babies are fussing and Sofia wants a snack or wants to go to the potty (She wants to be a big girl now and it's the worse possible timing for potty training.) Next thing I know, it's time for the babies to eat again. And time to pump!
The easy part of the day are the hours I spend at work. I can eat my lunch without much interruption. I can go to the bathroom when the urge arises. I can hear myself think. It's actually quite refreshing! LOL
It's getting a little easier every day. Of course, a new challenge is right around the corner... BACK TO SCHOOL. So we'll need to add homework, school projects and school social activities in the mix.
What I've learned most from the experience of having twins is our ability to adapt. Many people ask, "how do you do it?" And the answer is simply: You just do it. (Those Nike people are geniuses.)
Lol! Yup, thos Nike people are geniuses, I agree. It is simply a matter of "Just do it".
I have not had the double joy of having my babies at the same time, but the larger families seem to adapt easily enough to new little ones. To the point where my kids ask me : "Mom, when's the next baby?" even though we firmly told them that we were done and 7 was enough for us. :)
your day looks and sounds hectic, but you seem to be adapting to the new routine. Good stuff. :)
I admire you so much Mary! I struggle with my twins. YOu are my hero, juggling work and 5 kids.
They always ask me that too, "How do you do it?" I just say the same thing, "we just do it"! I also get, "Is it hard?". Do you get that too. I just say that it's not hard, just more challenging!!!
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